by Cloud Tue May 08, 2018 6:43 pm
quietwriter wrote:I was born with several memories of random time periods, including a dream about the 1600's when I was a child. All felt incredibly real, as if I was there at one point. I have always been fascinated with the 1960's through the 1980's. I think this could be because my mother was young during these time periods and I must have been with her in spirit before I came into the world. As for the memories, I think that they were directly related to reincarnation.
Ahh interesting
thanks for sharing quietwriter
I always wondered about that, when I was noticing I could sense a new child 'coming' months before anything happened, It got me wondering why I could sense these young souls around others, meanwhile it made no sense (until weeks/ months later).. so it does make you wonder whether it happens... whether they linger around for some time as you mention
I think the memories may have been linked to reincarnation. I've always felt drawn to the Victorian era. (1837 – 1901) I remember learning about it all and knowing more than I should have... also felt deeply sad whilst I did as it seemed somewhere within I held memories yet none of it made sense.
One theory someone posted on elsewhere was DNA memories- -memories in DNA, passed down generations. But the spiritual / reincarnation makes more sense to me