Bizarre deep-sea creatures known as comb jellies can fuse together when they are injured, creating a single massive individual with permanently combined nervous systems and stomachs, a new study reveals.
This unusual adaptation has never been seen before in any other species, researchers say.
Comb jellies, also known as ctenophores, are a group of more than 100 species of gelatinous, blob-like creatures with small, comb-like tentacles.
These alien-looking animals, which appear similar to jellyfish, create luminous displays in the deep sea by lighting up specialized cells throughout their translucent bodies.
They are often considered some of the most bizarre creatures in the deep sea and are believed to be one of humanity's most ancient ancestors.
This unusual adaptation has never been seen before in any other species, researchers say.
Comb jellies, also known as ctenophores, are a group of more than 100 species of gelatinous, blob-like creatures with small, comb-like tentacles.
These alien-looking animals, which appear similar to jellyfish, create luminous displays in the deep sea by lighting up specialized cells throughout their translucent bodies.
They are often considered some of the most bizarre creatures in the deep sea and are believed to be one of humanity's most ancient ancestors.