by Cloud Tue May 21, 2019 12:52 am
Ahhhh, I understand now
Well yes, communication is important.. I feel these days there are some problems in families not having quality time together to sit down and talk 1-1 or as a group... if you think about it, many are busy or distracted and some families don't even sit down to eat together anymore (I can see why and I do get it, not judging) but I feel it has an impact on relationships and communication... I know a lot of kids find it hard to approach their parents and I also understand how tough it can be for parents to reach their children too.. (like what Astral said). For me, if I try phone call one of my nieces/nephews they are always too busy on their gadgets and like astral mentioned, it's probably easier for me to message them online than it is to invite them to my place to sit down and have a chat. It can be hard
I feel like things need to change a little bit, I know for me when I was young i'd have plenty of time to sit down with my elders and talk with them , interact, communicate.. it's what I did most of the time if I wasn't outside or with friends... things have changed now I guess. But yes it's not uncommon for mums and daughters to feel a divide... I try not to take it personally, sometimes it happens and like you mentioned , a lot of time it's to do with something that's not being expressed, whether it's mum or daughter... I really believe in clearing the air, even if it's scary/painful.... getting to the bottom of what it really is.. sometimes the causes can be changed or worked on, other times we just (as daughters) have to accept that there's nothing we can do to fill that gap... it takes two to put in effort, and if you are putting in the effort , the rest is down to them